I always felt let down as a child on the Fourth of July. Like New Years and Valentines, this holiday had a lot of pressure to have the perfect All-American barbecue with family and fireworks, but ends up being consistently anti-climatic. Not this year. We decided to use our four day weekend +1 day off, to see our friends, Brad and Lindsay Bendeck, who recently moved a year ago to Atlanta.

It took us 12 hours including stops to get there, but with some portable DVD players (thank you friends) and mainly some of THIS, we survived:

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. Only the last hour hurt, when everyone wanted OUT---even mommy. But it was worth the ride when we finally got out.

The Bendecks have an amazing house in Alpharetta, Georgia. Six bedrooms on almost an acre and all for the cost of what we paid for in Lansdowne. Geesh. Caelan and Micah made themselves right at home.

They found places to hide with Sophie, their dog. Tucker, their other dog, stayed downstairs because he didn't take too well to kids.

It was a very American Celebration, as we went to downtown Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park (you remember the bomber dude several years back? It was right here...) Patrick had never been to Atlanta, so we got to see some of the city.

On Sunday, one of the highlights of the trip for me, was that we got to visit Andy Stanley's church,
North Point. All I have to say is, WOW. Average weekly attendance: 23,000. It didn't feel that large to me. It was amazing worship, and amazing teaching. Andy Stanley, who was preaching in jeans, was not afraid to teach on controversial topics. He did it with wisdom, grace and truth. I was so impressed!

Double wow for the nursery. They called it Waumba Land and it had theatres, live singers for um...3 year olds. One hall you walked down was this come-to-life Acquarium. It was unreal! I didn't take pictures, but here's one more of how they they kicked off their worship time, in one of their two main auditoriums.

There was a 60-year-old man who was worshiping unashamed and undignified, exactly the way God wants us. It was awesome to watch. I'll tell you more about our Independence Day Celebration in Part II when we get back to Virginia, but here's a little preview:

And the winner of the cannonball (Matt, Patrick or Brad) is....stay tuned to find out!