Year-in-reviews are important because I personally like to reflect on the past year, and give thanks for all God has done in our lives. We had a radical calling that filled up most of our year. The Rings go big or they go home. New home that is and new baby, and new church. Crazy! I had to "let go" this year of more things than just a dream home, but every minute was worth it. Highlights:
in January...
Downsize city. Left a 4,600 square ft home with all the bells and whistles. We felt led to give our money more in other areas, so the goal was half the mortgage and half the size, which would overall reduce our taxes and utilities.
in February...
We listed our home and sold it in record time. A huge confirmation to us. Also, my mom retires after 30 years of working for Arlington County. She's busier now than ever--although she does make time to be with my kids every Wednesday and my brother's kids every Thursday. Having full day childcare restores my soul.
in March...
We officially move out of Lansdowne and move into the home of friends and experience communal living. What a fun time!
in April...
Had the best baby shower of all time and oh yeah, gave birth to my 3rd child!
Micah and Caelan meet him for the first time.
in May....
Experience the first month of newborn days and in survival mode. Nursing around-the-clock is not so delightful.
Becoming a mom of three. Three. Realizing life with little men and each unique personality. This is insane.
Of course, they do take after their father. What a nut.
in June...
Finally! We closed on our new house and finally have a home of our own again!
Tristan (5 weeks old) is screaming his head off by the excitement of it all.
Tristan (5 weeks old) is screaming his head off by the excitement of it all.
in July...
Painting, decorating, trim, trim, trim... oh yeah...trying to get some sleep with a newborn. Checking out our community, pools, fitness clubs, golf clubs and meeting new neighbors.
Sadly, my grandmother dies while my mom is visiting in Cambodia. She came to
accept Jesus Christ as her Savior before she passed. God's timing is
perfect, as the only two people who were with her when she died was a
young woman hired to take care of her and my mom, who flew half way
across the world. Both were believers.
in August...
We left our house projects behind and drove for two days, and vacationed in Branson with Patrick's family. The cousins had a great time together.
Shortly after we got back, we transitioned to a new home church in Sterling. Here is Bridget and her seventh child. Yes, I said seven. Amazing. Patrick and I have a lot to learn from her and husband, our new leaders!
in September...
Still doing house projects every weekend and adjusting to our new home. Caelan was right at home pretty quickly.
in October...
We started hosting events pretty regularly at the house. We came to the realization that you didn't need a bigger place to host--everyone still enjoyed themselves and nothing beats the freedom to give freely. We also took another week in Kure Beach, NC, to spend at the beach with small group family.
in November...
Enjoying the harvest season and even dressed up for Halloween. Best event was hosting our big Thanksgiving dinner. We have SO much to give thanks.
in December...
Many family celebrations, but the biggest celebration was when Micah accepted Jesus into his heart. Micah had asked us if he could have eternity now instead of waiting until he got to heaven. Wow.
We're looking forward to what 2012 brings. Already, Patrick is excited about some things God is showing his heart. It's really brave work, and I could not be more proud of this man. Our marriage is better than it ever has been. Micah and Caelan are thriving as two inseparable brothers. Not sure what it'll look like come September when son #1 has to go to Kindergarten. We still have a lot of house projects to do. We're trying to instill a weekly Sabbath (a dedicated day to rest) for our family, and for me...well, I'm in a lot of ministries this year and I'm trying to balance giving everything I've got and making sure I'm doing it out of my abundance and not my lack.
I can tell, even from day 2, that an incredible year will be in store for us. How humbling it is to know that we're offered an abundant life (John 10:10), full of promises every day that belong to us, and to have a sense of fulfillment that is beyond satisfying. A toast to 2011 and all it's blessings. Salud!
p.s. Lots of big news this year- the earthquake in Japan, Osama Bin Ladin is dead, there was a signicant earthquake in DC for 20 seconds, and there's a Royal wedding.
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