Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Walking, Somewhat-talking, No-tantrum, Sleepless Toddler

Tristan can now drink really well from a sippy cup (without excessive violent choking) and he also can use a fork super well, too.  Pretty impressive, son, at 14 months! 

We are experiencing some pretty bad night wakings and operation cry-it-out is not working for this stubborn toddler.  We're on day 6 of sleep re-training.  I assure you that this is tormenting me more than it is him.  You think this would be easier since I'm not a rookie-mom anymore, but it is true that every child is different.  One thing is the same:  sometimes a parent will give you, what is best for you, even though it means you will experience pain.

Just to ensure that he feels secure, we are spending more time during the day cuddling.  Outside of night time crying, he doesn't do tantrums yet.  Doesn't say no yet (thanks be to Jesus!) He loves balls, cars, and chasing brothers.  He's pretty low key when he's rested.  As a side note, this is Micah's first time using my SLR.  Good job son #1!

He's also getting toddler playdates versus being in group playdates with older brother's friends.  Here's Zachary, 18 months, who plays super duper well with Tristan!  What a cutie. 

What does Tristan have to look forward to?  Yes, one day, he too will spend time 'rifling' through the legos, and making his own uniquely complicated weapon to fire at will.  It's a rite of passage around here. 

And finally---so I have it on blog record.  He may not be running yet, but son #3 is definitely walking.  His first steps were sometime in early June, here's his first footage of it.  He's recklessly fast....

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