Friday, October 26, 2012

Relax. Don't do it. When You Want to Go to it.

I've stumbled upon something so amazing that I need to share it.  I have found the secret to a happy household.  The principle applies for everyone, but for stay-at-home moms, this one is for you.

This is me from 3-5 p.m.weekdays.

"Well, what's so revolutionary about this?" you ask.    Let me tell you!  It started when our neighbor's kids all started knocking on the door after school.  Micah had just learned to ride his bike without training wheels and all they wanted to do was ride, ride, ride.  In order for them to ride, it was a rule established by the moms that there would be at least one mom sitting out there.

I'm the only full stay at home mom on the block, so a majority of the time it was me.   Oh my gosh, can I tell you even though I was grumbling and complaining at first, it turned out to be the biggest blessing.

1) It made me STOP in the afternoon and DO NOTHING.  It's amazing how hard "not working" is.  If I was in the house, the kids would be playing, but I would be focused on something else I had to do.  

2) Fresh air! It made me go outside and in the warm days, I got vitamin D and in the cold days, I wrapped up in a blanket with my hot coffee or hot chocolate.  It's been unseasonably warm even in late October and when the wind blows on a perfectly cloudless day, and some days I take out my bible, it's clear you are communing with God.

3) As a byproduct, it hydrated me!  You all know the struggles I have with water, but being out there for two hours--my beach chair offered a spot for a "big drink" so I'd fill it and drink two of them!

5)  The focus became my kids.  For many of you SAHMs, you get this---you can be at home, but really distracted that you unintentionally disengage with your kids.  This put a stop to all that.  I had to run after Tristan in the street, and I just got to stare and marvel at my boys as they waved each time they rode by.  The sun would settle on one of their noses and I would notice every detail of their face.

5) I became recharged.  Sitting there in the sun and enjoying my children,  while I'm physically being restored makes for a happy wife when Patrick comes home.  I give him a warm welcome home outside while he pulls up.   The look he gives me is priceless: "Who ARE you?"


I wonder that myself.  I began to think this could be considered a variation of a modern-day Sabbath for me.  I fiercely guard this time now.  It's made a huge impact on me.  I won't give it up!  I dare you to try taking two hours of the day and not do anything but rest and get restored.  It looks easy, but there's still often an itch to go "do something".  The Lord knows what He's talking about here.  It's not only good for you, but when you're in this still place, all you want to yell out is "Yay, God!" and that brings Him glory.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Busy October

Well, I have not been so faithful these last few weeks of blogging as it's been a pretty busy time.  It's usually in the busyness of it all that I need to be intentional of slowing down and blogging.  Here's some fun moments I don't want the blog to forget!

My four loves.  I'm on top of the world!

Tristan is a happy Octopus.  Steal my heart.

Not even five minutes after grandpa and grandma leave the house do the boys finish this rather complicated puzzle that Caelan received for a birthday gift.  Well done, guys!

I was cleaning in the kitchen and came out and discovered this.  Oh my gosh, he's one--- and he's already doing art on his own!

While we are lost in the middle of a corn maize.....

My little pumpkin!

Tristan wants to drive.  Typical Ring male.

This is funny with Micah jumping high while Mr. Jeff is taking pictures of laughing Anna.

One of my favorite moments.  Caelan used to do this with Micah and now Tristan is following in the same footsteps.  When one brother gets put in time-out, the other brother stands near for support and solidarity.  So cute!

Micah builds yet another amazing LEGO creation.

Another favorite:  This is Tristan who sings the ENTIRE ride from Sterling to Ashburn.  It's hysterical.  You actually can't hear yourself talk because he's singing so loud.

These moments are so precious.  By capturing them and posting them, I feel like I'm slowing things down so I don't let these fleeting times go by.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy 4th Caelan -- BUGS RULE!!!!

Patrick and I agreed in the beginning that we would only do a small birthday party for Caelan.  Can we say slippery slope?  We're not sure what happened exactly.  One minute we are adamant about a small party, the next minute both of us wind up nodding at the idea of a bug party that Caelan wanted with his favorite three and four-year-old friends....and um, all their siblings!


Ooops, we did it again.    I decided I'd stick with one table for all the bugtastic food:

Special thanks to Karen and Michael for helping out Friday night with all the food prep.  Patrick and Michael made these ants on a log below.  Looks disgusting, but they were quite delicious.  Melted butterscotch chips on salted pretzels with chocolate sprinkles.

Victoria helped frost and decorate the bugalicious cupcakes:

 There was so much opportunity to do cute bug food, I couldn't pass it up.

See what I mean?

When it was time to eat, these donut holes just creeped right off the table!

This one was my favorite.

Perhaps the kid's favorite was the favors they got to take home.  Some yummy gummy buggies on a stick.  Thanks for buzzing by!

We had a build a bug craft, and an eat a bug (ritz crackers spiders with cheese spread and pretzel legs) table, but I think the kids really enjoyed the bug hunt the most!

And they were off!  Never seen so many kids run as fast to find their bugs!!!

Even if it wasn't quite what we had planned, we had a BEAUTIFUL day opening up Caelan's backyard to friends and neighbors and celebrating another bugtastic year for son #2.  We love you Caelan.  Happy Birthday! BUGS RULE.

Spring Break 2015 - No Cabin Fever! Yogi Bear Luray

This spring break we wanted to squeeze in one more year of enjoying Yogi Bear Campgrounds before we started to venture out in the world of D...