Patrick and I have been humbled by the most High.
Our Portion.
Our Strong Tower.
Our Deliverer.We asked for your prayers regarding the house situation, and He has been faithful. The two things that we didn't think would happen, not only happened, but was the best possible scenario for us. Glory to God. As I was driving, I was thinking of all that He did for us, and the Lord brought specifically to mind when He fed five thousand with only two fish and five loaves of bread:
"They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over..." (Luke 9:17)Christ saved a basketful of leftovers for each disciple. This is exactly what happened to us. What little we had to offer, we gave to Him. He took it and multiplied our money and we received back above and beyond what we could ask for! We were already getting so much back from our realtor commissions, but on top of that, like what each disciple specifically needed---He supplied us EXACTLY the basketful we needed to make our transaction complete!
There's a huge uncontrollable factor in the house buying process and it's the home appraisals. Your appraisal is based on comparables of homes sold in the last six months, within a one mile radius of your property. According to the comparables, our home was supposed to appraise at $280K, thirty thousand
less than our offer price. If it appraised that low, according to our calculations, we would have needed an additional $6,500 cash at settlement to ensure the sale of our new home. We were praying that it would appraise at $290K so we would be out of the water. And when it came back, the appraisal wasn't at $280, or $290, or $300 - it appraised at $310! We were in shock.
Patrick got on his knees on the cold, dirty, office floor and gave thanks to God for this miracle.Before we started looking for a house, Patrick came up with a house price that would allow us to live comfortably, and honor God with our money. We were disappointed that every house we looked at was
well above our magic number, until this housewas significantly reduced! It was still a little higher than our magic number, but closer to the goal. When the appraisal came in for the new house in Lansdowne, we had just simply prayed that it would appraise at our offer price. Well, always pray God's best because it's so much more than you dream! The appraisal came in at $13,000
less than our offer price.
Patrick got on his knees for a second time, because now that number was the original *magic number* we had budgeted for all along, confirming to Patrick that the Lord is in charge of this process.After some negotiation, we came to a halfway point of the $13,000 appraisal difference, and so the new price of our house was reduced again by.....$6,500. Okay, I'm not a mathematician, but the numbers work for me. Twelve disciples. Twelve baskets. I just can't make myself think this was a coincidence!
I am fighting back tears at the thought that He clearly wants us to know of His provisions. In this entire process, while it was often painful for me, the Lord wanted us to be open to what He can do through us. Even though the disciples saw miracles before, they looked helplessly at only two fish and five loaves. And we know all the things God has done for us personally to deliver us, but yet we looked at this situation the same way. I believe God is saying to Patrick and I, "Think bigger, Rings!" And the only things the disciples had, they offered it to Him. He said, "Bring them here to me." Friends, no matter what your "only" is, when you bring all of your only to Jesus, He will multiply it beyond your wildest imagination.
We wanted this overflow to encourage your hearts that God is working. And He is in all the details! If everything else falls in place, we should be in our new home in two weeks! Wow!!!!