Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

Caelan has changed so much in the last month. After we got back from Mexico, it was like he was suddenly older. He was more interactive, playful...and talkative!

He had talking hands since he was 6 months old...which was sooner than Micah could sign. So, we were worrisome at 17 months, Micah was firing off two-word sentences, and Caelan didn't utter a single recognizable word except for "Mama". Caelan took his time and it was clear that even though he didn't get the words out, his ability to understand what we were saying was astounding.

I would spend a lot of time asking him questions even though I never got a reply. "Caelan, do you want milk (holding up the carton) or juice (holding up the container)? He would point, and then I'd say, "Okay, let's get a sippy cup. Can you say "Sippy cup?" And on, and on our day would go teaching meanings to words, and explaining the world. Caelan loved the repetition as we're driving in the car, and I'd say, "Look at that truck. Truck. Truck." Three times over. He smiled because he would get it. He knew what a truck was. And it delighted him.

Now at 19 months, he says quite a few words and makes animal sounds, but his favorite word--hands down-- is "NO!", which is usually followed by rapid-fire gibberish emphasizing his strong dislike of whatever it is he objected to. He is extremely polite always saying "Thank you" when he's received something, without mommy prompting him, and he will continue to repeat "Thank you" until the giver has said "You're welcome". It's pretty funny, actually.

I crack up when I hear him saying "Hello?" when he pretends to pick up the phone, and when he yells "Boo!" when he comes around the corner to my office. Of course, I scream and he screams and he laughs his head off. He runs around the house making shooting noises or monster growls, both of which his brother and I have to run away scared. Again, he laughs his head off showing all his teeth and both dimples. Ahhhhh [huge exhale] this is just too much fun.

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