Sunday, November 16, 2008

Forty Days and Nights with Caelan

The bible often refers to 40 days as a time of great trial and transformation. There are dozens of accounts, but to name a few: forty years reign of Saul, David and Solomon, 40 days and nights of the flood, 40 days fasting by Jesus in the wilderness. At the end of those 40 days of trial, there was great transformation. Well, interestingly for postpardum, the doctors ask you to get checked up at 6 weeks, the lactation consultants tell you that your milk is established during this time, and sleep experts suggest that your baby starts to get on a nap schedule at six weeks. Basically, if you can survive this 40 day period with a newborn, you have made it! Suddenly, I hear that song "I will survive" getting louder in my head.

Patrick and I didn't kill each other, Micah still feels special, and Caelan is still alive. What a huge success! Here's the journey from trial....

.... to transformation--my big boy at six weeks on a lazy Sunday afternoon, has already figured out the remote control! :)

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