Saturday, November 1, 2008

One Month Observations

Hard to believe a month has gone by already. We survived so far. Not dead yet. To monitor Caelan's growth, I am stealing a great idea from my friend Adrianna (who blogs faithfully from Greece!) and as she did for her one-month old, I will chart Caelan's growth over the next year with the same image over time. Here's him at one month! First thing to note was on day 4 - he was 6 lbs 14 ounces and now he weighs 11 lbs. As many issues as I'm having with nursing, it must not be all that bad because he's becoming a porker! Look at those cheeks. :)

Some other interesting observations after one month:
1. My boys don't suck. How I'd like to brag about this one, but unfortunately as it relates to nursing, neither one of them could latch well. They both had a tongue-tie, and now Caelan also has reflux. Can lightning strike the same place twice? With 12 times a day of nursing (yes, that's my whole day!) when he doesn't eat well, he doesn't sleep well = more crying all around.
2. Sleep deprivation makes you innovative. One night, on my seventh night-waking, I mistaked my nursing pad as a drink coaster. It actually serves as a really efficient disposable coaster!
3. When it comes to newborns who are almost asleep, toddlers do not understand "quiet" or "gentle" or "wait, hold on..." If anything, they think that means, "Shake the baby!"
4. Micah loved the swing and the pacifier and didn't mind being swaddled. Caelan doesn't care for the swing, refuses any pacifier and would rather be left alone to cry for a spell, and then fall asleep WITHOUT a swaddle.

You know I thought the Lord would give us one challenging child and then an easy one. Everyone seems to get that mix! How is that the difference between my two children is one is hard and the other is harder? I suppose you can say raising them will be anything but extra-ordinary!

1 comment:

Sam, Adrianna, Zoe, Penny, & June said...

Yay, I'm glad you're stealing this idea from me, especially since I stole it from another friend :)
Can't wait to see the incredible shrinking truck over the next year!

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